EVMS Center Compliance Metric Templates

EVMS Center Compliance Metric Templates

As part of their EVMS assessment process described in their EVMS Center Business Practices (BPs), the DCMA EVMS Center personnel use a set of EVMS Compliance Metrics (DECM). These metrics are a combination of manual and automated tests to identify potential issues with a contractor's EVMS data. These metrics help DCMA to evaluate the quality and traceability of a project's EVMS schedule and cost data. The metrics and metric thresholds assist DCMA in identifying higher risk process areas in the contractor's EVMS that they can investigate further with the contractor as part of their EVMS review and surveillance activities.

The DCMA EVMS Center Configuration Control Board (CCB) is responsible for maintaining the metrics. They also update the compliance metric templates on a regular basis. The DCMA EVMS Compliance Metrics Excel spreadsheet includes tabs that list the active set of metrics as well as the list of artifacts and data elements they use for the metrics.

To download the latest edition of the compliance metric templates, visit the DCMA EVMS Center web site: https://www.dcma.mil/HQ/EVMS/.

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