DHS Acquisition Manual

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EVMS Documents for Homeland Security
DHS Acquisition Manual

DHS Acquisition Manual – dated October 2009, updated January 2021

The Acquisition Manual Subchapter 3034.2, Earned Value Management System, outlines the requirements to apply EVM to major system contracts in accordance with OMB Circular A-11, DHS EVMS policy, the requirement to conduct Integrated Baseline Reviews, and contractor reporting requirements. At DHS, a system is a major system if total expenditures are expected to exceed $100M. Subchapter 3042.302-70 directs that the responsibility for reviewing EVMS plans and verifying initial and continuing contractor compliance with Government EVMS criteria and conformity with the EIA-748, is normally delegated to DCMA when EVMS support is required at a location under DCMA cognizance.

Frequent modifications are issued via notices listed on their website.

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