Performance and Analysis Cycle

Proudly Serving the EVM Community for 44 Years.
The Leader in Earned Value Management Consulting and Training

EVMS Implementation
Performance and Analysis Cycle

Performance and Analysis Cycle as Part of EVMS Implementation

Once the project baseline is established, it is important to establish a consistent and disciplined weekly or monthly performance measurement and analysis business rhythm. Typically the activities outlined below would be included in an implementation process. H&A consultants can provide assistance with:

  • Assessing how completed work is determined including any complementary back up documentation
  • Capturing current status including schedule progress and calculating earned value
  • Establishing the process and system interfaces to capture actual costs and estimated actual costs
  • Establishing the process to capture subcontractor performance and actual cost data
  • Developing the estimates to complete (the remaining work) and estimates at complete (actual to date plus estimates to complete)
  • Incorporating approved changes into the schedule and cost baseline
  • Producing internal schedule and cost performance analysis reports and metrics
  • Producing formal customer reports including the IMS and Contract Performance Report (CPR) formats
  • Auditing and reconciling the CPR data
  • Preparing variance analysis reports (VARs)

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