FAA Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) Guide

FAA Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) Guide – dated July 2016

IBRs are required by the FAA Acquisition Management System (AMS) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo M-10-27. They are conducted at the program level for all programs designated by the Joint Resource Council (JRC) for program level EVM reporting as well as for all contracts that are required by AMS policy to have EVM reporting.

The FAA IBR Guide provides detailed guidance on the program level IBR process. Program level IBRs are led by the FAA EVM Focal Point to evaluate the total program implementation of the performance measurement baseline. FAA’s policy is to conduct the IBR within 60 days after the completion of the contractor’s IBR or within 180 days after contract award if a contractor IBR is not held. As stated in the guide, “the objective of an IBR is to improve FAA program and contractor performance measurement by ensuring that adequate planning and risk consideration have been performed in conjunction with an established performance measurement baseline. The IBR also serves to verify that the program management processes are integrated and an adequate and appropriate metrics management plan is in place to manage, monitor, and report program performance.”

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